Mr. Hagianto Kumala’s profile is available in the Company Profile chapter under the Board of Commissioners’ Profile section. In addition to serving as Audit Committee Chairman appointed in accordance with the Circular Letter of the Board of Commissioners of PT Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk No. 003/SK-KOM/VI/2020 dated 8 June 2020, Hagianto Kumala concurrently serves as President Commissioner (Independent Commissioner).
Indonesian citizen, 47 years old domiciled in Jakarta. She started her career as an Auditor at Prasetio, Utomo & Co (Arthur Andersen) from 1997, then as a financial consultant at Prijohandojo Boentoro & Co. She concurrently works at Sulaimin & Rekan Public Accounting Firm as a Partner since 2015. She concurrently serves as member of Audit Committee of PT Nusa Raya Cipta Tbk (2019-present) and PT Buana Finance Tbk (2017-present). She holds a Bachelor of Accounting degree from Atma Jaya Catholic University and a Master’s degree in Accounting from Gadjah Mada University and is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and a Chartered Accountant (CA). She is also a member of the Indonesian Accountants Association (IAI Global) and a member of the Indonesian Public Accountants Association (IAPI).
Mr. Mamat Ma’mun has been serving as Audit Committee of the Company in accordance with the Resolution of the AGMS dated 7 June 2023. Over the course of his career, he also served as Accounting Division Head at PT Astra International, Jakarta (1973 – 1986), Corporate Controller at Astra International, Jakarta (1987 – 1996), President Director Dana Pensiun at PT Astra International, Jakarta (1997 – 2005), Member of Audit Committee PT Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk, Jakarta (2002 – 2008), Advisor at PT Sahabat Multi Finance (2005 - 2008), President Director Dana Pensiun at Triputra Group, Jakarta (2007 – present).