Good Corporate Governance

Board of Directors

Johannes Suriadjaja
President Director

Mr. Johannes Suriadjaja has been serving as President Director of the Company in accordance with the Resolution of the AGMS dated 26 June 2001, having previously served as Vice President Director of the Company (1996-2001). Over the course of his career, he also served as Director of PT Multi Investment Ltd (1993-1996), Corporate Banking Assistant Manager at the Chase Manthattan Bank, N.A Jakarta (1990-1991), and Executive Management Trainee at Toyota Motor Sales, USA (1986-1987). He was awarded Indonesia Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year in 2013 and represented Indonesia at the Annual Ernst & Young World Entrepreneur of The Year in Monaco in 2014. As of 31 December 2023, he held concurrent positions as President Commissioner of PT Nusa Raya Cipta Tbk, President Commissioner of PT Batiqa Hotel Management, President Commissioner of PT Horizon Internusa Persada, President Commissioner of PT Surya Internusa Hotel, President Director of PT Sitiagung Makmur, President Director of PT Suryacipta Swadaya, President Director of PT Suryalaya Anindita International, President Director of PT TCP Internusa, and President Director of PT Unggasan Semesta Resort. He is not affiliated with Shareholders, other members of the Board of Directors and/or members of the Board of Commissioners.

Eddy P. Wikanta
Vice President Director

Mr. Eddy Purwana Wikanta has been serving as Vice President Director of the Company in accordance with the Resolution of the AGMS dated 12 June 2006 after serving as Head of the Company’s Development Project (1974-1985). In addition, he led a number of the Company’s projects including PT Nusa Raya Cipta Project (1986-1988); Bali Sol International Hotel Construction Project (1983-1985); Wisma Metropolitan (Sub Structure) Construction Project in Jakarta (1982-1983); Lux Residential Area Construction Project in Kuningan, Jakarta (1981-1982); YPAC Main Building Construction Project in Jakarta (1980-1981); Plaza Theater and Glodok Plaza Shopping Mall Construction Project in Jakarta (1977-1978); Harapan Kita Hospital Construction Project in Jakarta (1975- 1979); Glodok Plaza Shopping Complex Project in Jakarta (1974-1975); and Sumber Waras Hospital VIP Room Construction Project in Jakarta (1974-1975). As of 31 December 2023, he held concurrent positions as President Commissioner of PT Suryacipta Swadaya, President Commissioner of PT Sitiagung Makmur, President Commissioner of PT Ungasan Semesta Resort, President Commissioner of PT TCP Internusa, Vice President Director of PT Nusa Raya Cipta, Vice President Commissioner of PT Surya Internusa Hotels, and Vice President Commissioner of PT Batiqa Hotel Management. He is not affiliated with Shareholders, other members of the Board of Directors and/or members of the Board of Commissioners.

The Jok Tung
Finance Director

Mr. The Jok Tung has been serving as Director of the Company in accordance with the Resolution of the AGMS dated 8 June 2005. He previously served as Director of PT Argha Karya Prima Industry (1993- 2003), and Corporate Banking Vice President of The Chase Manhattan Bank N.A Jakarta (1985-1993). As of 31 December 2023, he held concurrent positions as Commissioner of PT Suryacipta Swadaya, Vice President Commissioner of PT Ungasan Semesta Resorts, Vice President Commissioner of PT Sitiagung Makmur, Vice President Commissioner of PT Horizon Internusa Persada, Vice President Director of PT TCP Internusa, and Director of PT Suryalaya Anindita International. He is not affiliated with Shareholders, other members of the Board of Directors and/or members of the Board of Commissioners.

Wilson Effendy

Mr. Wilson Effendy has been serving as Director of the Company in accordance with the Resolution of the AGMS dated 7 May 2019. He previously served as Chief Executive Officer of Nirvana Development (2014-2015), Finance Director of Bekasi Fajar Industrial Estate (2011-2013), Chief Financial Officer of Ucoal Sumberdaya (2010-2011), Head of Banking, Investor Relations and Risk Management of Asia Pulp & Paper, Sinar Mas Group (2003-2010), Senior Business Financial Analyst at Barclays Global Investor, USA (2000-2003), Financial and Budget Analyst at Pacific Gas and Electric, USA (1999-2000), and Senior Auditor at Arthur Anderson Indonesia (1996-1997). As of 31 December 2023, he held concurrent positions as President Director of PT Surya Internusa Hotels, President Director of PT Batiqa Hotel Management, Vice President Director of PT Suryacipta Swadaya, Vice President Director of PT Ungasan Semesta Resort, Director of PT Sitiagung Makmur, President Commissioner of PT Surya Energi Parahita, and Vice President Commissioner of PT TCP Internusa. He is not affiliated with Shareholders, other members of the Board of Directors and/or members of the Board of Commissioners.

Sonny Satia Negara

Mr. Sonny Satia Negara joined the Company in accordance with the Resolution of the AGMS dated 8 June 2022. He previously served as Corporate Finance, Accounting and Tax Vice President (2018-2022), Corporate Planning Vice President (2016-2018), and Corporate Finance General Manager (2010-2015). As of 31 December 2023, he held concurrent positions as Director of PT Surya Energi Parahita, Vice President Director of PT Sitiagung Makmur, Director of PT Ungasan Semesta Resort, Director of PT Surya Internusa Hotels, and Director of PT Batiqa Hotel Management. He is not affiliated with Shareholders, other members of the Board of Directors and/or members of the Board of Commissioners.